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Jamón ibérico


Four (4) oz portion

Jamón Ibérico, has a smooth texture and rich, savory taste. Widely considered the best ham on earth.

4 oz portion of Jamón ibérico.

Pork products made from Black Iberian breed pigs receive the ibérico/a denomination. As such, jamón ibérico is the dry-cured ham produced from livestock of said breeds.

According to Spain’s denominación de origen rules and current regulations on Jamón, Jamón Ibérico must be made from pure breed, or cross-bred pigs – as long as they are at least 50% Black Iberian in their ancestry.

Jamón Ibérico, specially the one labeled as de bellota, has a smooth texture and rich, savory taste. The fat content is relatively high compared to jamón serrano. A good ibérico ham has regular flecks of intramuscular fat known as marbling.

Weight 4 oz